In this Issue...
Photo of the Month — Share Your Photos Too!
Recreation with a View
Thank you, Jennifer Gessley-Gayman, Program Specialist for Olympia's Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department, for submitting this wonderful picture while paddling on Alder Lake. Mt. Rainier sure is majestic. Did you know, at a height of 14,410 feet, Mount Rainier is the highest volcanic peak in the contiguous United States?
Do you have a must-see photo? WRPA would love to share your work from home photos and cool images taken at your parks and facilities. Submit your photos via email to [email protected]. |

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How Do You Recreate?
Family Hiking
Scott River, Director of Recreation & Facilities for Olympias's Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department, and family stopped to take a family photo while hiking the Mima Falls Trail located in the Capitol State Forest. Family hikes are not only a great way to get out and “unplug” together, but they can also help build self-confidence. They give you a chance to get exposure to wildlife, as well as the ability to practice your “leave no trace” skills all while getting some exercise. Thank you, River family, for sharing this awesome experience.
Want to let others know how you are staying happy, healthy, or fit during COVID-19? Submit your “How Do You Recreate” photos to [email protected]. |

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Spotlight Professional: Gabbi Gonzales Recreation Coordinator, City of Burien Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Dept.
Gabbi Gonzales has spent over 13 years working for the City of Burien Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department. She spends a lot of her time working on special events for the City, including Burien’s award-winning Dia de los Muertos Celebration.
Gabbi states that some of her first jobs “taught me the importance of working hard and always continuing to strive to succeed.” She loves the fact that her role in recreation makes a positive impact on her community. Gabbi strongly urges young professionals to “Be willing to learn and try out as many program areas as possible.”
Learn more about Gabbi.

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2021 Annual Conference & Tradeshow Speaker RFP Open Now, Submit a Proposal!

WRPA is seeking speakers for our 2021 Annual Conference & Tradeshow, April 28–30, 2021! Our goal to fulfill the educational needs of our diverse audience by providing a selection of relevant topics addressed by professional presenters. WRPA event attendees represent a broad spectrum of the recreation and parks industry. Participants are industry professionals from entry-level employees to executive-level personnel.
If you are interested in speaking at the conference or know someone who might be, please review the guidelines and submit a proposal today.

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NRPA Parks & Recreation Magazine Highlight "COVID-19 and the Changing Face of Youth Sports" September 24, 2020, Feature, by Jon Solomon
Many park and recreation officials say they are rethinking how they deliver youth sports. But many face significant budget cuts and uncertainty about when and how to return to play.
Nationally, more than half of park and recreation professionals (58 percent) expect COVID-19 to have a significant, detrimental impact on fall programming, according to the NRPA survey. Only 10 percent expect mild or no impact.
Read the full NRPA article to learn more.

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2021 WRPA Legislative Agenda How Are We Adapting to COVID-19?
The COVID-19 pandemic that has crippled the U.S. and it has both taught and reinforced important lessons for Washingtonians. This pandemic has helped us gain a newfound appreciation of the critical role that local parks, trails, and open spaces play in public health. It has also reminded us that local parks are an equal-access destination and experience for all segments of society regardless of their income, their race, their religion, or their sexual orientation.
The positive attributes of local parks, combined with the challenges that go into maintaining and preserving them, have helped form the foundation for WRPA’s 2021 Legislative Agenda priorities. Read more about WRPA's plans and goals for 2021.

WRPA Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee Q&A with Chair Shanyanika McElroy
WRPA has launched a new committee in support of our commitment to Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (EIB). The EIB committee was formed in recognition that many public service institutions were created during a time when societal norms privileged and included some groups, while they disadvantaged and excluded others, creating inequities. The founding policies, practices, culture, behaviors, and beliefs our institutions formed day-to-day barriers for equity-seeking communities which have compounded over time. The legacy of these barriers is sustained, in our current time, through the unconscious, unrecognized practice of doing things as they have always been done.
Read more about the Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee.

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2020 Virtual Fall Summit—That's a Wrap Wednesday, October 14 & Thursday, October 15

Just like many other professional development events, the 2020 WRPA Fall Summit went virtual! Traditionally, the WRPA Fall Summit is held as a one-day event in Lynnwood, WA. However, this year it was broken up into two half-day virtual events (Wednesday, October 14, 2020 & Thursday, October 15, 2020).

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WRPA Today App Have You Downloaded it Yet?
WRPA is dedicated to providing you with access to the latest news and park and recreation information. The WRPA Today app brings the power of membership to your mobile device!
- Read up on the latest news
- Browse upcoming events
- Connect with recreation and park professionals
- Keep up to date on the latest by turning on your notifications.
- And more!
Never feel disconnected from WRPA again while on the go with the WRPA Today membership app.

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WRPA Blog Highlights: Read the Latest
2020 WRPA Virtual Fall Summit Wrap Up
WRPA's Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee
“Hot-Off-The-Press” Good News From the Recreation & Conservation Funding Board (RCFB)
New Outdoor Recreation Sector Economic Analysis and Capital Funding
Passing in the US House Thursday, July 23, 2020 of the Great American Outdoors Act
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Thank You to Our Renewing Members!
- Lori Anderson, Central Klickitat County Parks & Rec.
- Brad Case, Ellensburg Parks & Recreation
- Cory Delikat, Port Angeles Parks & Recreation
- Kyle Ehlers, City of Des Moines
- Jayna Lafferty, Lake Stevens School District
- Kelly McKinley Ashe, City of Cheney Parks & Recreation Department
- Kristy Pachciarz, Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
- Erick Petersen, Lake Stevens High School Pool
- Robert Seviss, Snohomish School District
- Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
- City of Bonney Lake
- City of Lake Stevens
- Colfax Parks & Recreation
- Puyallup Parks & Recreation
- Spokane County Parks, Recreation & Golf
- Walla Walla Parks & Recreation
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Welcome New Members!
- Tamara Marlin, Emerging member
- Sandeep Alluri, Code Wiz
- Zach Brown, Noth Start Grounds Care
- Maria Pena, City of Connell
- Julia Schafer, Enumclaw Aquatic Center
- Emily Shere, City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
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We Want Your News!
Do you have news to share with your WRPA colleagues? Send any updates, photos, happenings, and socials to WRPA, so that we can feature your article in the next WRPAToday e-newsletter!
Send Us Your News Now!
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Recent Job Postings
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WRPA Volunteer Opportunities
Thank You, 2020 Sponsors!
WRPA is membership-driven. We achieve only what we ourselves commit to doing. By sharing your energy and expertise, you will make WRPA an even more effective professional resource.
In fact, without you, we would not be able to offer any programs! Consider volunteering and helping our organization grow. Learn more about opportunities that have recently become available!

Join a WRPA Network
- Administrative
- Aquatics
- Athletics & Fitness
- Climate Change
- Park Resources
- Park Rangers
- Facilities/Rentals/Marketing
- Programmers
- Event Management Software (EMS)
- Student Connection Committee

Annual Platinum Sponsor

Annual Gold Sponsor

Annual Silver Sponsors

Affinity Partner Sponsors

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