WRPA Membership Benefits
Our promise to our members is that we will do our very best to provide meaningful information, training, and resources for continual improvement and success in your recreational efforts.
We are incredibly fortunate to have such an amazing resource in WRPA where we have multiple opportunities throughout the year to learn from experienced professionals about the latest trends, information, and tips on park and recreation. As an active WRPA member, we hope you will make the most of the resources available to you.
What can WRPA membership do for you and your organization?
WRPA Access:
WRPA member benefits attract park and recreation professionals from all across Washington State. As a member, there is access to materials such as:
WRPA Share:
WRPA provides networking opportunities for you to share knowledge and exchange information based on location and similar job functions and interests with over 1,300 professionals.
- Regional Membership: WRPA membership is split into four regional locations with a Board member representing each region.
- Network Circles: Parks and Recreation is a diverse profession - we do it all. Networks bring together professionals with similar job functions and interests in a unique forum setting. Your WRPA membership includes access to enrollment into the following special interest networks:
- Administrative
- Aquatics
- Athletics
- Climate Change
- Park Resources
- Park Rangers
- Facilities/Rentals/Marketing
- Programmers
- Student Connection Committee
- Higher Education Relations Committee: The information that WRPA provides is beneficial to students who are interested in parks and recreation as a profession.
WRPA Learn:
WRPA provides training and education programs for members to learn and grow in YOUR profession. The trainings are tailored for job function and interest area, and many offer continuing education credits (CEU's).
- Annual Conference & Tradeshow - WRPA's premier training event attracts professionals and advocates from across the state for a spectacular multi-day event featuring keynote speakers, section meetings, over 25 breakout session, awards banquet, networking opportunities, social events, and more. The "DON'T MISS" event of the year!
- Certified Playground Safety Inspector Training (CPSI) - WRPA is the sole provider of this training in Washington. The CPSI program offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date training on playground safety as well as provides certification for playground safety inspectors.
- Risk Management School - The purpose of this school is to educate professionals on best practices in risk management for parks, playgrounds, and recreation programs. The sessions are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of risk management including tools to recognize, assess, and control exposure to loss or injury, and minimize adverse effects or impacts to your agency and program participants.
- Fall Summit - This event is driven by WRPA members to fill a training need based on current industry issues or needs. The theme of this event changes year to year.
WRPA Voice
WRPA is the EXPERT VOICE of our profession. Lend your voice on the value that recreation and parks has to a healthy and vibrant quality of life. Our advocacy program includes supporting and monitoring legislation, testifying before the state legislature, and providing members with legislative training.
- WRPA's Legislative Committee convenes annually to develop a platform.
- Annual legislative training helps prepare members for the "day on the hill" where we meet with state legislators.
- Legislative updates are provided weekly during sessions to keep members updated on what's happening in Olympia.
- Sponsoring the Governor's proclamation of July as "Parks & Recreation Month."
- Provide legislators and congressional delegates with information pertaining to parks, recreation, conservation, and accessibility issues.