About the Washington Recreation and Park Association (WRPA)
Washington Recreation & Park Association was established in 1947 and is a not-for-profit 501c3 professional and public interest organization comprised of over 3,000 members.
Mission and Vision
The mission of WRPA is to promote excellence in current and future parks and recreation professionals through advocacy, networking, education, and training.
Vision The Washington Recreation and Park Association:
- Is committed to providing leadership through advocacy, education, networking, and training for current and future Park and Recreation professionals.
- Is innovative, forward-thinking and business-minded, seeking to support current and future Park and Recreation professionals.
- Is recognized as an authority of the profession and is an effective advocate for public policy, funding, and strategic direction statewide.
- Provides information, resources, and advocacy to assist local jurisdictions to position parks and recreation as a vital service that emphasizes the profession’s role in creating healthy communities, quality of life, and promoting economic development.
- Provides dynamic professional development opportunities, focused on best practices to promote excellence in the profession.
- Creates and supports effective networks to provide the opportunity for current and future professionals to share ideas, create best practices, promote the profession, and support vibrant public park and recreation agencies.
- Sustains a governance structure that assures a diverse membership, involvement, and representation focuses on member’s needs and works for the long-term financial stability of the Association.
- Embraces a membership and leadership model that emphasizes and encourages the involvement and engagement of a diverse community of current and future Park and Recreation professionals.
What We Do
Washington Recreation and Park Association is a progressive and innovative organization with a long history of offering services to its members. These services include:
- Sponsoring education and training programs including the Annual Conference & Trade Show each spring, various regional and special interest workshops and the Business Institute held in the fall. The Annual Conference attracts approximately 500 parks and recreation professionals, citizens, and exhibitors.
- Sponsoring with other organizations and agencies, the Governor's proclamation of "July is Parks and Recreation Month."
- Serving as a clearinghouse for research and technical information related to all aspects of parks and recreation.
- Sponsoring scholarships programs for students and professionals.
- Representing the collective interest of its members on the state and national level. WRPA officers represent the members by serving on the NRPA Pacific Northwest Regional Council and the NRPA Council of Affiliate Presidents.
- Furnishing state and national legislators and congressional delegation with information pertaining to parks, recreation, conservation and therapeutic legislation.
- Sponsoring an annual awards program to honor outstanding legislator, agencies and organization, volunteers, and park and reaction professionals for significant contribution to the advancement of the parks and recreation movement in Washington and through the nation.
More Information About WRPA
Bylaws - Updated October 2018 Core Values and Cultural Competency History National Recreation and Park Association