Renew Your WRPA Membership

Get Ready for Another Year of Benefits

Are you or your organization within your renewal period? Do you need help in renewing? Learn more about all of the ways to complete your renewal below.

If you are looking to renew an agency membership please review the options and instructions below.

If you are an individual looking to renew a non-agency membership please review the options and instructions below.

Agency Membership Renewal

These options are available for any and all levels of Agency Membership.

There are many ways to renew your membership. Choose the option that is best for you:

  1. Renew via your WRPA Profile
    1. Login to your profile
    2. Select the "My Profile Button"
    3. Hover over the "My Profile" menu item and select "Your Organization"
    4. In the green sub-menu select "Invoices", there you can make a CC payment online by selecting the invoice number of the invoice you are trying to make payment on
  2. Renew via the link on the invoice you received in your email
  3. Renew by emailing the WRPA Office and we can send you a direct link to make a CC payment online
  4. Renew by calling the WRPA Office 206-361-8869 and you can make a CC payment over the phone
  5. Renew by sending a check to the WRPA Office with a copy of your invoice
    1. ATTN: WRPA
      2150 N 107th Street Suite 330
      Seattle, WA 98133
Take Renewal Form

NOTE: If your agency needs to update their membership level and dues amount  you will need to complete the renewal form option listed above.

Professional Membership Renewal

These options are available for any non-agency member renewing as at either a Professional Membership levelIndividual Membership Level, or a Commercial Membership level.

There are many ways to renew your membership. Choose the option that is best for you:

  1. Renew via your WRPA Profile
    1. Login to your profile
    2. Select the "My Profile Button"
    3. Hover over the "My Profile" menu item and select "Invoices", there you can make a CC payment online by selecting the invoice number of the invoice you are trying to make payment on
  2. Renew via the link on the invoice you received in your email
  3. Renew by emailing the WRPA Office and we can send you a direct link to make a CC payment online
  4. Renew by calling the WRPA Office 206-361-8869 and you can make a CC payment over the phone
  5. Renew by sending a check to the WRPA Office with a copy of your invoice
    1. ATTN: WRPA
      2150 N 107th Street Suite 330
      Seattle, WA 98133
Take Renewal Form

NOTE: If you need to update your membership level and dues amount  you will need to complete the renewal form option listed above.