Cameron A. Haslam Obituary

Cameron A. Haslam 

Cameron A. Haslam sadly passed away, February 2, 2025. He was a great influence and very committed to the Washington Recreation & Park Association, serving as its president and later receiving the Honor Fellow Award, Distinguished Service Award, and President's Award. Looking back, Cam took on leadership roles in nearly every organization he was involved with, including the National Industrial Recreation Association (where he earned the State Chairman of the Year Award), the National Recreation and Park Association (as Regional Council Chairman), the Bellevue Christian Church Board (as president and elder), the UPS Alumni Board of Directors, the Camp Fire Board (receiving the Ernest Thompson Seton Award), the YMCA of Seattle Board, the Edgebrook Swim and Tennis Club Board (as president and founding member), and his neighborhood community organization. Despite his many achievements, he was never one to boast—well, except perhaps about a couple of holes-in-one on the golf course—so there are likely many accomplishments even his family never knew about.

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WRCO - Request for Public Comment

Request for Public Comment 

The Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) is seeking public comment on proposed changes to eligibility requirements in the Urban Wildlife Habitat Category of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program. This change is in response to the United States Census Bureau’s new definition of “urban areas.”

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Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Grant Applications Now Open

The Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) is accepting grant applications for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program. This program, administered by the National Park Service, provides grants to acquire or develop land for public outdoor recreation purposes. An eligible project must be located in or within a half-mile buffer of:

  • An incorporated city or town or unincorporated area with a population of twenty-five thousand or more in the 2020 CensusAND
  • An underserved community. Underserved status can be demonstrated through use of the Environmental Protection Agency’s EJScreen Tool, or other documentation describing demographic and environmental factors.
  • OR, on tribal nation or trust land held by a federally recognized Native American tribe.

If you have an eligible project and are interested in applying, please see the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership webpage for additional program details. The Applicant To-Do List outlines timeline and tasks. Applications are due in PRISM Online by March 12, 2025.

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Pacific Netting Products

Supporting Washington Communities: A Path to Economic Growth and Enhanced Recreational Safety

Washington’s docks serve as more than just a scenic gateway to the water; they are essential to our local economy and recreational activities. These docks facilitate leisurely boating, community events, and critical commercial operations, underscoring the importance of maintaining safe, reliable, and sustainable water access. Pacific Netting Products (PNP) is a leader in dock infrastructure solutions, playing a vital role in enhancing ports and marinas throughout the state. Their innovative products not only enhance safety but also improve functionality for all who enjoy the water.

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2025 Legislative Session Preview Washington State

2025 Legislative Session Preview
Washington State
January 9, 2025

Washington’s 2025 Legislative Session will begin on Monday, January 13, and it will be the first year of the two-year legislative biennium. Each biennium is comprised of a long session (105-days) and a short session (60-days) in which bills may be enacted into law. In addition to new policy ideas, the primary task of legislators during a long session is to pass the state’s biennial budgets: Operating, Capital and Transportation.

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Metro Parks Tacoma - Mourning the Loss of the Longest Serving Board Member

 “The Best of the Best.” If you spent any time with Commissioner Tim Reid, you no doubt heard those words as he spoke about Metro Parks, particularly when talking about the agency’s staff and volunteers.
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WSRCO - Lower Snake River Recreation Survey


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Learn About Pacific Netting Products (PNP)

Playing and watching sports is a beloved part of American life. From baseball and soccer to basketball and football, sports weave into our culture in a big way. Here at Pacific Netting Products (PNP) we feel the thrill of watching a baseball connect with the bat, a soccer ball finding the net, or a basketball dunk that ignites the crowd is truly special. In Washington, many of these games, practices, and casual get-togethers take place in our local parks.

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2024 Washington State General Election Report - November 11, 2024


The 2024 general election was held on Tuesday, November 5 and Washington state voters had numerous decisions to make in electing statewide and local officials for office, as well as decisions on four statewide initiatives that deal with certain taxes, state programs, and energy sources. All nine state executive offices were on the ballot, including open seat races for Governor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, and Insurance Commissioner. On the state legislative front, all 98 members of the House were on the ballot and 25 of the 49 senators were up for election. Many key legislative races could shift the political landscape in Olympia, as democrats were looking to pick up seats in battle ground districts, while republicans were hoping to hold seats they currently control. Given the state’s vote by mail system, ballots will continue to be counted for days to come. Although some races are still too close to call, Washingtonians can glean significant results from election night 2024.

Voter turnout for the general election currently sits at 72.23% with an estimate of 274,171 ballots left to be counted at the time of this writing. There are 5,018,809 registered voters statewide. For reference, voter turnout in 2020 was just over 84%, and nearly 79% in 2016 – the last two times the President was on the ballot and when turnout is highest. Election results will be certified by the Secretary of State on Thursday, December 5.

2024 General Election Results

Statewide Races
For the first time since 2012 there were four open seat races for statewide office (meaning an incumbent is not seeking reelection), including an open seat race for Insurance Commissioner that will see changeover for the first time in 24 years.

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WWRC Fall Celebration

Hey there –  I hope you survived another crazy summer and are enjoying the start of the fall season!   I’m reaching out as the Washington Recreation and Parks Association (WRPA) liaison to the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition (WWRC).   Together, our organizations and individual communities work hard to ensure that all Washingtonians have access to safe, healthy, and vibrant outdoor spaces.

Many of us just finished participating in the RCO grant process. We are very fortunate to have access to such a variety of grant opportunities to support our communities.    The WWRC’s purpose is to advocate and support for the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) which has been a vital resource, leveraging over $2 billion for parks, trails, and conservation projects across the state. We rely on these grant programs and as we look to the future, need to ensure that continued funding is available to protect and expand these efforts.

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Sign-On Letter for $150 Million for WWRP 

We Need Your Support!

The Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition (WWRC) is seeking your help to advocate for a $150 million Capital Budget request for the Washington Wildlife & Recreation Program (WWRP) for the 2025-27 biennium. Please join us by signing the Sign-On Letter to support robust funding for this vital program.

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What Makes An Inclusive Playground “Inclusive”?

So you’ve heard the term “inclusive playground”, but what does that actually mean?

Accessible playgrounds are on the rise around the world but accessible does not necessarily mean inclusive. It is however a part of the design process for making a playground truly inclusive.

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Empowering Communities: New Bill to Fund Local Special Districts

This vital legislation makes it possible for special districts in local communities to access essential funding for water, parks, infrastructure, fire, and other vital community services.

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2024 WSU Extension Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference - Gardening in a Changing Climate

Join us on September 27th & 28th as we cultivate knowledge, nurture passion, and sow the seeds of a greener future! The virtual 2024 WSU Extension Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference, Gardening in a Changing Climate, provides exceptional opportunities with high-quality classes and instructors. WSU Extension Master Gardeners earn continuing education hours while improving their ability to teach sustainable horticulture skills. Our aim is to empower garden enthusiasts with knowledge, inspiration, and sustainable practices.

Enjoy our inspiring keynote speaker, Rebecca McMackin, an ecologically obsessed horticulturist and visionary garden designer. Her insights will ignite your passion.

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2024 WRPA Awards Recipients

Congratulations, 2024 Award Recipients!

This spring, we want to honor the amazing people, parks, and programs that received an award at the awards ceremony during the 76th Annual WRPA Conference. The WRPA Awards Program honors individuals and organizations for their contributions to the field of recreation and parks in Washington State. A variety of awards were handed out to WRPA members and public citizens. 

There are three categories recognized for WRPA's Awards Program: Professional AwardsCitation of Merit Awards, and Spotlight Awards. In addition to these categories, WRPA also acknowledges Mickey Corso Leadership Grant recipients.

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2024 Washington State Elections Update

The 2024 election in Washington state will be the most significant election year in more than a decade. At the top of the state ballot, we’ll have four open seats for statewide office (meaning an incumbent won’t seek reelection), including an open seat Governor’s race for the first time in 12 years. We will also have open seat races for the Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, and Insurance Commissioner seats. On top of that, several lawmakers are retiring from office (including two congressional retirements), which all contribute to an eventful election season that will result in new political leadership and a drastically different legislature in 2025.
As a refresher, the state contains 49 legislative districts represented by one state Senator and two state Representatives each (49 Senators and 98 Representatives). State Representatives must run for election every two years, while state Senators seek election every four years. The current makeup of the legislature is:

  • House: 58 Democrats | 40 Republicans
  • Senate: 29 Democrats | 20 Republicans

It’s important to note that Washington state utilizes a top two primary, meaning that the two candidates receiving the most votes will advance through the primary election to the general election, regardless of party preference. It is not uncommon in some legislative districts to have two candidates from the same party running against each other for a seat.

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2024 Election Results

Welcoming New WRPA Board Members

Each year, we welcome new members to the WRPA Board of Directors at the Annual Conference & Tradeshow. The Board of Directors is the governing body of our association and is responsible for the supervision, control, and direction of WRPA. These Board members are elected by you, the members, during an annual election.

The following WRPA members have been elected to join the board:

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Grant Application Deadline is Fast Approaching

Applications for Recreation and Conservation Funding Board grants are due on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, by 11:59 p.m. If you have started an application, or are thinking of applying, for a grant for your recreation or conservation project – there’s not much time left.

During this first grant round, the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) is accepting grant proposals for the following programs:

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House Environment & Energy: Agenda Update

We’re back at it with legislative session as the legislature officially convened Monday the 8th for a 60-day session. They’re hitting the ground running with public hearings on relevant bills. As you’ll see highlighted below, HB 2051 has been scheduled for a hearing on January 11 which relates to small off-road engines (like maintenance and landscaping equipment).

See bill language here:

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PlayCleanGo® Boot Brush Stations Giveaway

Benjamin Franklin once famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to protecting valuable habitat, Benjamin Franklin’s words take on a whole new meaning. The Washington Invasive Species Council has received funding to help protect the shrub-steppe from noxious weed spread and development. With support from the United States Forest Service, we are giving away 50 PlayCleanGo® Boot Brush Stations with custom signage to install around Washington’s shrub steppe. We hope your organization is interested in helping our mission to preserve this critical habitat by receiving and installing a free boot brush station. Below is a link to a form to express interest in a boot brush station. Receiving organizations will be responsible for installation, which is not difficult. A concise guide with pictures can be found here.

Link to one-page interest form:

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