You Have Helped Make this Year So Much Better
WRPA is so proud of the hard work you and your team have put in this year. We know that 2020 has given us many challenges to overcome, but we wanted to take a moment to congratulate and thank all of the parks and recreation professionals out there who have worked so hard. Just look at all the ways you have made this year better. Check out some of the big wins we have recognized this year, and share your own big wins in comments on the blog and on social media (be sure to tag WRPA)!
Also, be sure to catch up on the latest blog posts and the success stories that are being submitted by WRPA members.
Full Timeline of 2020 Accomplishments
Quotes from Members & Collaborators
“Meeting every Tuesday during this pandemic period for the WRPA Programmer’s Meeting has kept me motivated to program, engaged with WRPA professionals, and looking forward to every Tuesday afternoon! I love connecting with my friends to share what is new, what has changed with our departments, what people are offering, what is working/not working and how to interpret every new set of guidance that is passed down to us! I hate missing the meetings because then I feel out of the loop!”
Megan Vining, CPRP, CYSA
Recreation Supervisor, Pullman Parks & Recreation
It’s been great to network with my peers, exchange ideas, concepts and get insights on matter that would have taken time to research and/or review. The network works well together, supports one another and many new partnerships have formed from it. I am glad to have found the resource early on in the pandemic and plan to continue to network with my peers long after it’s gone. The wealth of knowledge among the group is a wonderful source to better my City. Thank you.
Max Prophet
Recreation Supervisor Peter Kirk Community Center City of Kirkland - Parks & Community Services
Thank you WRPA for another excellent educational opportunity. This year’s Fall Summit did not disappoint! It was well planned, well run and very beneficial. The topics and speakers were both informative and inspirational. Although we all miss our traditional, in-person conferences, it was great to see and hear everyone in the various Zoom breakouts. I look forward to sharing the information with my co-workers and hopefully see everyone again in April! Thanks again to everyone who made it happen.
Lauren Woodmansee
Recreation Supervisor, Bellingham Parks and Recreation
"I’m an extravert…and was a skeptical on how much I might enjoy a “virtual” conference…but leave it to parks peeps to pull it off. I found the sessions I attended to be pleasantly interactive and FUN!"
Guy Michaelsen
Principal, Berger Partnership
Washington Cities Insurance Authority is honored to partner with WRPA on training and education events and have been doing so for over 20 years! We started by supporting the Certified Safety Inspector Certification (CPSI) thru our WCIA member-funded Reimbursement Programs and then added speaker sponsorships. Our sponsorship opportunities grew to annually backing events such as:
- Washington Recreation & Park Association (WRPA) Pacific Northwest Aquatic Conference
- Washington Recreation & Park Association (WRPA) Risk Management School
- Washington Recreation & Park Association (WRPA) Fall Summit
This year we were fortunate for the opportunity to collaborate with Peter Mayer, WRPA and other Washington State Risk Pools to be a part of the:
- Washington Recreation & Park Association (WRPA) COVID-19 Risk Management Virtual Workshop Series
This program was a perfect complement to WRPA education series; taking a page out of the WRPA Risk Management School with a timely topic educating parks professional on risk management issues and concerns surrounding COVID19. It gave us an opportunity to showcase our risk pool services and sponsor a liability prevention featured speaker; all while learning from parks professionals who were sharing their expertise on programs and services provided by their entity.
Patti Crane
Member Services Manager, Washington Cities Insurance Authority