Summer Experiences and Enrichment for Kids Fund

Washington Funding Opportunity for Outdoor Kids Programs

The Washington Recreation & Park Association (WRPA), in collaboration with the Association of Washington Cities (AWC), is excited and proud to announce a $10 million funding program. This program is administered by AWC and made possible by funds provided to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and it will enable local parks and recreation agencies throughout our state to expand summer outdoor education programs offered to school-aged kids!

The “Summer Experiences & Enrichment for Kids” (SEEK) program is for summer outdoor programs serving school-aged youth (K-12 – age 4-21). The purpose of the SEEK Fund is to increase access to quality, outdoor summer programming for youth and communities who have historically been underserved and who have been most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

2022 SEEK Fund Application is now closed.

Meet the Partners

Fund Details  |  Informational Meeting  |  Eligibility  |  How to Apply  | Fund Evaluation
Receiving Funds  |  Fund Accessibility  |  Federal Guidance

SEEK Fund Details

The purpose of the SEEK Fund is to help agencies increase their community's access to quality, outdoor summer programming for youth and communities who have historically been underserved and who have been most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Eligible programs should address students’ social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs through outdoor recreation. The 2022 funding cycle will cover reimbursements for a summer program (summer being defined as the time between April 15—September 15, 2022). Agencies that receive funding must prioritize activities or programs that promote social connection, encourage physical activity, and support families who are struggling with childcare needs.

Total funding available in the 2022 cycle is approximately $10 million.

SEEK Fund Informational Meeting

Thank you for joining us online at the SEEK Fund 2022 Cycle Informational Meeting.


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Download the Zoom Chat

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SEEK Fund Eligibility 

There have been some changes to the eligibility criteria for the 2022 SEEK Fund Cycle. Please review the details below.

Eligible applicants include local government park and recreation agencies from Washington State:

  • City and county parks and recreation agencies
  • Metropolitan park districts
  • Park and recreation districts
  • Tribal governments

Eligible agencies may submit up to three applications (one application per program) not to exceed $500,000 in total applications amounts. 


  • Agency Application 1 – Water Safety Program | $100,000
  • Agency Application 2 – K-5 Summer Day Camps | $250,000
  • Agency Application 3 – Teen Leadership Program | $150,000

Note: Capital construction or equipment purchases exceeding $5,000 per unite are not eligible. AWC & WRPA reserves the right to revise the funding opportunity criteria or not to award any funding through the SEEK Funding program should program requirements change.


How to Apply for a SEEK Fund

2022 SEEK Fund Application is now closed.


SEEK Fund Evaluation Process

Applications will be scored and evaluated with similar population range applicants. An advisory committee will evaluate and score all applications to determine which projects will be recommended for funding.  Scores will be based on each applicant's response to evaluation questions and any necessary Q&A/Interview follow-ups. Final awards are subject to approval by AWC and OSPI.  

  • After the application deadline has passed, 5:00 PM | Thursday, November 18, 2021
  • The SEEK Advisory Committee will be reviewing and scoring each submission.
  • Committee members will have access to the proposals to score them individually based on the below criteria and point system and return their scores to WRPA for tabulation, and to develop a results list from highest to lowest.
  • Scores will be based on each applicant's response to evaluation questions. 
  • The Committee may request and schedule an interview with an applicant to review their request and address questions.
  • The committee will then convene together with WRPA representatives to go over the results and top scores, the dollar amounts each top scorer requested, and develop funding.
  • The recommended list of proposed funding awards will be sent to AWC and OSPI for approval.
  • Once all decisions are made, WRPA will be notified and will notify awardees.
  • AWC will then connect with awardees about the funding and reporting requirements and award contract.

Applications will be scored and evaluated with similar population range applicants. Scores will be based on each applicant's response to evaluation questions.

Below is a list of the 2022 SEEK Fund Advisory Committee Members:

  • Dr. Barb Brock
  • Al Frank
  • Dennis Higashiyama
  • Terry Higashiyama
  • Larry M. Otos

Evaluation Criteria & Point Values

  • Program Design: 1-5 points (X2)
    Prioritize activities or programs that promote; social connection, encourage physical activity and are affordable and accessible to all
  • Youth Served:  1-5 points (x3)
    Engaging and involvement of school-aged youth who are; underserved and disproportionately impacted by COIVD-19.  Emphasis on equity and access for those who have previously had a more difficult time participating due to lower income levels, language barriers communities of color etc.  
  • Outdoor Engagement/Enrichment: 1-5 points
    Evaluate the quality and quantity of evidence based outdoor education and recreation focus.
  • Assisting COVID-impacted students, families:  1-5 points.
    Connecting to families who are struggling with childcare needs coming out of the pandemic, so they can return to the work force and have a safe, enriching place for their children to be. Emphasis on supporting the social & emotional wellbeing of youth participants.


Receiving SEEK Fund Monies

All funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis. Fund recipients will only be able to request reimbursement after they have paid their employees and vendors and reported on their use of funds. When a project/program is completed, awardees must submit the final bill, final report, and supporting documents needed to close out the project as specified in the agreement. 

AWC & WRPA reserve the right to revise the funding opportunity criteria or not to award any funding through the SEEK Fund program should the program requirements change.

Please review the required subcontractor agreement you will need to abide by.

Subcontractor Funding Agreement


SEEK Fund Accessibility

To best serve school-aged youth, WRPA and the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) will strive to ensure that funds are allocated to a diverse group of jurisdictions of all sizes that are geographically spread across the state.  Additionally, the program emphasizes targeting funds toward programs that serve school-age youth populations most impacted by COVID-19 and furthest from educational justice. Funding is for programs that prioritize activities that promote students connecting socially with their classmates, encourage students to engage in physical activity, and support families who have struggled with childcare needs.


Important Guidance on the Funds Being Offered

Funding must be used to prioritize activities or programs that serve school-aged kids who have been impacted by COVID-19 and “Promote students connecting socially with their classmates, Encourage students to engage in physical activity, and Support families who have struggled with childcare needs.” 

The program goal is to reach school-aged kids who have not traditionally had opportunities and access to these summer outdoor education programs in the past. As an example, the program calls out major racial and ethnic groups; economically disadvantaged students; children with disabilities; children with limited English proficiency; immigrant students; students experiencing homelessness; and children/youth in foster care. Applicants will be required to report data on the youth served and how the funding was used to enhance participation particularly for underserved and pandemic impacted youth and the ways in which programs will remove institutional and systematic barriers to participation. 

All awardees will be required to enter into a subcontractor funding agreement with AWC. Prior to applying, agencies should review this agreement and confirm that they can enter into it as is. AWC will not accept modifications to the agreement.

1) All records relevant to projects funded must be on file and are subject to audit and inspection by state and potentially federal agencies. If the auditor's inspection of the records discloses any charges incorrectly claimed and reimbursed, the recipient may be responsible for repayment.

2) OSPI has determined that the relationship between OSPI and AWC is that of a contractor/vendor engaged to provide professional services related to a federal funding opportunity, and not that of a grantee or Pass-through Entity (PSE). Therefore, federal Uniform Guidance requirements do not apply, including reporting of SEEK funds on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA). 


 For more information about the WRPA SEEK Fund contact the WRPA office at (206)361-8869 or [email protected]