*This schedule is subject to change
7:00 - 8:00 AM |
Covered stage in Esther Short Park across the street from the Hilton
$25 Registration Fee, sign up during conference registration. Must sign up by April 29 to receive a yoga mat to take home! |
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Registration Desk Hours
Location: Heritage Pre-function
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM |
Welcome Address & Annual Meeting
Location: Discovery Ballroom ABC
9:15 AM — 10:15 AM |
Opening Keynote Address
Title: Bridges to Heal US
Erin Jones
Erin Jones has worked in and around schools in different capacities for over 30 years. She has worked and done consultations for non-profits, government agencies and businesses. She has worked and lived in 5 states, from the East Coast to the Midwest to the West Coast, in communities that were predominantly White communities to communities that were predominantly Black communities to those that boasted dozens of languages and cultures. She has been recognized locally and nationally for her work in education and equity. She has also received recognition as and athlete and was invited to try out for two WNBA teams. After 20 years of playing soccer and 35 years of playing basketball, Erin now runs long distances and is devoted to regular OrangeTheory workouts. Erin and her husband, James, have been married for almost 30 years and have three adult children - two who work in education and one who designs video games.
Erin Jones will share her personal story and encourage participants to think about 2 key questions: WHY do you so WHAT you do WHERE you do it, and what are you doing to fill your cup each week, so you’re not giving on empty. You will be inspired and challenged to action in this speech. Erin will share bits of her personal story and strategies she’s using in this moment to navigate the complexities and conflicts that are 2024. Keynote objectives:
1. Participants will be inspired to think about the roles of their own stories and identities
2. Participants will be inspired to think about WHY they do WHAT they do WHERE they do it.
3. Participants will be challenged to think about what it will require for each of them to ‘fill their buckets” in order to come to work “full”.
Location: Discovery Ballroom ABC
10:15 AM — 11:00 AM |
Student and Emerging Professional Conference Prep
Location: Spruce/Pine |
10:15 AM — 11:00 AM |
Morning Tradeshow Break (Coffee will be provided)
Location: Heritage Ballroom
11:00 AM — 12:15 PM |
Breakout Session Block 1
1A: Growing Garry Oaks: Lessons Learned Engaging Volunteers in the Propagation of a Drought-Tolerant Tree
Speaker: Curtis Kukal
Location: Alder
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Park/Facility Planning and Design
Secondary Tag: Parks/Facility Maintenance & Operations
1B: So, You Want to Move Up?
Speaker: Carmen Murrell and Amanda Zollner
Location: Oak
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Leadership and Management
Secondary Tag: Emerging Professional
1C: Updates to Key RCO Evaluation Criteria and More
Speaker: Leah Dobey and Ben Donatelle
Location: Cedar
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Park/Facility Planning and Design
Secondary Tag: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
1D: Programs & Special Events at Your Pool
Speakers: Melissa Georgesen
Location: Spruce/Pine
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Aquatics
Secondary Tag: Programming
1E: Empowering Communities Through Pickleball: A Path to Inclusivity
Speakers: Sue Goodwin and Solomon Alabi
Location: Hemlock
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Advocacy
Secondary Tag: Programming
1F: Equity 101
Speakers: Erin Jones
Location: Discovery Ballroom D/E
Primary Tag: TBD
Secondary Tag: TBD
12:15 — 1:30 PM |
Lunch Break (Lunch will be provided)
Location: Discovery Ballroom ABC
1:30 PM — 2:45 PM |
Breakout Session Block 2
2A: Building a Team in Park Maintenance:
Speaker: Glenn Akramoff and Angie Fesser
Location: Discovery Ballroom D/E
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Park/Facility Maintenance and Operation
Secondary Tag: Leadership and Management
2B: Lawsuits, Lawyers & Liability - Mastering Risk Management in Parks and Recreation (Part I)
Speaker: Andy Cooley, Robin Aronson, and Jefri Peters
Location: Cedar
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Leadership & Management
Secondary Tag: Business Operations: Customer Service/Marketing/Finance
2C: Truly Inclusive Aquatics
Speaker: Justin Caron
Location: Oak
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Aquatics
Secondary Tag: Park/Facility Planning and Design
Speed Session
1:30 - 2:05 PM | 2D: How to Build a Community with Marketing
Speakers: Tyson Santo
Location: Hemlock
CEU: 0.1 (when attended in conjunction with 2E)
Primary Tag: Business Operations: Customer Service/Marketing/Finance
Secondary Tag: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Speed Session
2:10 - 2:45 PM | 2E: Reels, Stories and Memes, Oh My!: Demystify Instagram to Boost Your Programs
Speaker: Abby Ketcham
Location: Hemlock
CEU: 0.1 (when attended in conjunction with 2D)
Primary Tag: Business Operations: Customer Service/Marketing/Finance
Secondary Tag: Advocacy
2F: A Moment to Shine: Inclusion in Recreational Arts Programming
Speaker: Billie Hassebrock
Location: Alder
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Programming
Secondary Tag: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2G: So, You Want to Be the Boss? (Director/Manager)
Speaker: Carmen Murrell and Amanda Zollner
Location: Spruce/Pine
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Leadership and Management
Secondary Tag: Emerging Professional
2:45 PM — 3:30 PM |
Afternoon Tradeshow Break (Coffee will be provided)
Location: Heritage Ballroom
3:30 PM — 4:45 PM
Breakout Session Block 3
3A: Lawsuits, Lawyers & Liability – Mastering Risk Management in Parks & Recreation: (Part II) Top Liability Concerns & How to Overcome Them
Speaker: Andy Cooley, Robin Aronson, and Jefri Peters
Location: Cedar
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Leadership & Management
Secondary Tag: Business Operations: Customer Service/Marketing/Finance
3B: How Effective Leaders Deal with Change
Speaker: Jennifer Wills and Joanna Martin
Location: Alder
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Leadership and Management
Secondary Tag: Business Operations: Customer Service/Marketing/Finance
3C: Green Cities Case Studies - What does it mean to be a Green City?
Speakers: Margaret Wagner, Gabbi Gonzales and Eric Sterner
Location: Oak
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Park/Facility Maintenance and Operation
Secondary Tag: Leadership and Management
3D: Waterfront Park Tour
Speakers: Julie Hannon, Terry Snyder, and Kirsti Hauswald
Location: Meet on the east side of the park, near the WATERFRONT PARK sign at the round-about end of Esther Short
Join us for a tour of the Waterfront Park. Hear about the basics of the park construction and what we have learned through the past six years, since the park has opened.
- Understand basic information about the Waterfront Park
- Changes since opening 6 years ago.
- Maintenance challenges
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Park/Facility Planning and Design
Secondary Tag: Park/Facility Maintenance and Operation
3E: Illuminating Community Through Cultural Event Partnerships
Speakers: Stacey Donovan, Anna Cruz and Erik Miletich
Location: Spruce/Pine
CEU: 0.1
Primary Tag: Programming
Secondary Tag: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
5:00 PM —
6:00 PM
Student and Emerging Networking Dinner
Calling all students and emerging professionals. You're invited to join us on Wednesday, May 22 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, for an enriching experience at the FREE Student & Emerging Professional Networking Dinner.
6:00 PM —
8:30 PM
Wednesday Sponsored Social: Operation Craft Karaoke
Join the wild side at Heathen Brewing, Feral House on Washington St. Dive into a world of craft beer, karaoke, digital photo booth shenanigans, and oversized outdoor games. It's a midweek celebration that's bound to leave you roaring for more!
Wednesday night is also "Alumni Pride Night"! Show your pride and represent your alma mater with style. Tables will be assigned to different schools, so be true to your school and let your colors shine! Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to unite with fellow alumni and showcase your school spirit at WRPA 2024. See you there!
Location: 1109 Washington St, Vancouver, WA 98660
Energized by Great Western
May 21 | May 22 | May 23 | May 24