Benjamin Franklin once famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to protecting valuable habitat, Benjamin Franklin’s words take on a whole new meaning. The Washington Invasive Species Council has received funding to help protect the shrub-steppe from noxious weed spread and development. With support from the United States Forest Service, we are giving away 50 PlayCleanGo® Boot Brush Stations with custom signage to install around Washington’s shrub steppe. We hope your organization is interested in helping our mission to preserve this critical habitat by receiving and installing a free boot brush station. Below is a link to a form to express interest in a boot brush station. Receiving organizations will be responsible for installation, which is not difficult. A concise guide with pictures can be found here.
Link to one-page interest form:
Please note, you may be prompted to sign in once you click the form. Simply click ‘X’ or ‘Cancel’, and you will be able to proceed with submission.
We have compiled additional information such as boot brush maintenance, economic benefits of preventative tools such as these, and case studies from across the state and country. We highly encourage you to read the attached document. We hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity to turn that ounce of prevention into a pound of cure and be part of the solution in protecting one of Washington’s most pristine habitats. Prevention, a major element of the Washington Invasive Species Council’s statewide strategy, is far less expensive than trying to remove invasive species once they arrive, as control and eradication costs are rarely a one-time expense. Creative preventative steps like this help engage the public while addressing the issue while costs are still low and manageable, giving us the best fighting chance at protecting our beautiful landscapes and wildlife for generations to come.
We look forward to receiving your interest forms, and on behalf of the Washington Invasive Species Council, we deeply appreciate your consideration and involvement in this innovative and critical project! I am happy to answer any questions you may have!
Maria Marlin (She/Her)
Community Outreach and Environmental Education Specialist | Washington Invasive Species Council
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (360) 472-5552 | [email protected] | TDD call 711