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Aquatics Skill Builder - Becoming a Better Trainer
Saturday, June 17, 2017, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM PST
Category: WRPA Events


Aquatics Skill Builder 

Becoming a Better Trainer


Sat., June 17
9:00AM - 4:30PM

Henry Moses Aquatic Center 1719 Maple Valley Hwy.
Renton, Wa 98057


Pre-registration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome!

As a trainer, it is important to have a critical eye and differentiate between a guard who can demonstrate proficiency in multiple skills one at a time and a guard who can demonstrate proficiency of multiple skills that are strung together. This also is true for a lifeguard team that can only perform in a handful of specific situations and a team that adapts to the situation as the scenario or incident changes and progresses.

This skill builder will help you become a better trainer.  One that can more efficiently deliver information needed to varying skill levels within a staff as well as recognize where additional work is needed.

This training will cover and you will get practice in:

  • Clarifying training objectives
  • Establishing limits for scenarios
  • Provide clear focus and feedback
  • Managing scenario pace
  • Teaching trainers to work through challenges

About our Speaker:

Pete DeQuincy is the aquatics manager at the East Bay Regional Park District in Oakland, Calif. He is an American Red Cross instructor trainer in water safety, lifeguarding and emergency medical response. He was recently selected to be an American Red Cross instructor trainer educator in water safety and lifeguarding.