Board Member News

As we close out the year, the WRPA Board of Directors wanted to recognize Michelle Larson, who will be rolling off the Board as of January 1. Her path leads her to new adventure outside of the parks and recreation world. She will truly be missed and departs with a few words to share.

“I have had a rewarding 22 year career in Parks and Recreation, and WRPA has been a HUGE part of it. I learned so much through the association by attending conferences, network meetings, Legislative Days, and serving on the Board.  I am grateful for our field, colleagues, and partners.  I have grown as a person & a professional with the help of Parks & Recreation, and through it all, I have developed lifelong friendships that I will always cherish.  Thank you friends and WRPA, I will miss you all. – Michelle Larson”

In preparation for Michelle’s departure the Board of Directors is excited to announce the appointment of Brian Judd with the City of Seattle to finish out Michelle term as an At-Large Director. Brian serves on the Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee, has lead caucusing within WRPA, and recently presented at the train the trainer caucusing webinar WRPA hosted. The Board is looking forward to having Brian on the Board of Directors. Brian has a few words to share about joining the WRPA Board of Directors.

“I am looking forward to joining the WRPA board to contribute to guiding the organization  through implementing its strategic plan and furthering its goals around racial equity and anti-racism. I am eager to connect with my fellow board members and develop collaborative relationships that will benefit the parks and recreation profession in Washington state. – Brian Judd”