WRPA Citation of Merit Awards: Professional
The Citation of Merit Award recognizes individuals and organizations for their significant contributions to the field of parks and recreation. The Citation of Merit - Professional Award honors a park and recreation professional for their contributions to the field and WRPA.
Eligibility Requirements
- Minimum of 5 years of service in the field of parks and recreation
- Minimum of 5 years as a WRPA member (Agency memberships include staff at all levels)
Evaluation Criteria
Nominees should demonstrate a consistent commitment to the field of parks and recreation, service to their community and assist in furthering the goals of WRPA. In addition, they have made contributions in at least 3 of the following areas:
- A broad range of parks and recreation experiences, including progressive levels of leadership responsibility
- Served in influential positions in their community and/or with WRPA
- Served as a speaker at conferences, webinars, network meetings or other such gatherings to promote parks and recreation Contributed significantly to their community
- Repeatedly accepted and eagerly welcomed leadership responsibility within WRPA
Nomination Process
- Complete an online nomination form where you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Contact information for nomination
- Nominee’s name, title, organization, years they have been active in parks and recreation, and if they are a WRPA member
- A brief summary of the nominee’s contributions to the field of parks and recreation
- A brief summary of the nominee’s service to their community
- Information on how the nominee has furthered the goals of WRPA
- Upload the following items to the WRPA office group drive link found in your confirmation email:
- Two letters of recommendation - Be sure to name your files with 'First name.Last Name.Individual.Merit - Letter.Rec'
- Nominee’s resume and/or a brief employment/volunteer history and a list of key professional accomplishments. - Be sure to name your files with 'First name.Last Name.Individual.Merit - Resume'
- In your confirmation email, you will receive a link to upload a maximum of three photos or graphics to the WRPA office for the award category you are applying for. Be sure to name your files with 'First name.Last Name.Individual.Merit - Photo'
- Video footage is highly encouraged. In your confirmation email, you will receive a link to upload a maximum of one video to the WRPA office for the award category you are applying for to be no more than 2-min. Be sure to name your files with 'First name.Last Name.Individual.Merit - Video'