Essential Tools: Ensuring Relevance

Monday, September 28 | 8:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Speaker: Chris Nunes

The challenges of today are multi-faceted and can range from social ills to business models.  Do we attempt to solve them all or identify what problems our agency’s effectively address?  What is most important is to understand how to be relevant, thus making sports and recreation agencies a critical success factor to the success of a community. Along the way identification and development of critical advocates to ensure your success is needed.  This session will address how to evaluate where you are, the identification of critical advocates and implement a plan for relevance.  

Chris Nunes, CPRE is the Director of Parks and Recreation for The Woodlands Township, in The Woodlands, Texas.  In that position, he oversees 80 full-time and 350 part-time staff members, a $16 million operational budget and is accountable for the management of 130 parks, 15 swimming pools and aquatic facilities and 200 miles of trails.  He speaks around the country on topics including: business plans, contracting, creative programming, marketing, external funding, communication, leadership and succession planning In 2012, Chris was elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Parks and Recreation Administrators.  Chris holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation Management and a Masters Degree in Sports Management from Springfield College in Massachusetts and a Doctorate in Parks and Recreation Administration from the University of New Mexico.