Adapting for Social Emotional Wellness in Recreation Programs 

After the collective shared trauma of the pandemic, it is imperative that we modify programs to support our participants and staff to bring inclusion to all! Every child experienced loss and trauma to varying degrees during the pandemic. Coming back to social and recreational activities can be very stressful for kids with or without disabilities. Learn how a proactive approach to modifying your programs, staff training and development, and implementing support structures will help support your participants in these challenging times. 

Learning objectives:

1) Analyze the dynamic role social emotional wellness plays in programing and the impact it has already had on programs. 
2) Outline the benefits of a comprehensive staff training that includes: baseline awareness, empowering others, relationship building, and behavior modification.     
Discuss basic program changes with social emotional wellness in mind. 

Speaker Info:

Mary Boyle, Community Services Coordinator for the City of Bellevue                                                                                                               

Mary has a BA in psychology and specializes in behavior modification techniques. She is the Inclusion Coordinator for Bellevue Parks & Recreation Division focusing on training general recreation staff on inclusion services for programs and provides support to staff for program modifications.  She is responsible for the adaptive recreation programs held at the Highland Community Center serving adults and youth with physical and intellectual disabilities.