Success Story: Passing of $64.3 Million Park Bond

Category: Park/Facility Planning and Design | Citizen/Advocacy

Date: Wednesday, May 3

Leroy Eadie, City of Spokane
Ted McGregor, InLander Magazine
Juliet Sinisterra, Downtown Spokane Partnership

Session Description:

Funding a major overhaul to Spokane's Riverfront Park was no simple task given all the needs in the Parks and Recreation system and the City of Spokane in general. There had been several planning initiatives and many consultant studies that failed to result in a significant investment into Riverfront Park. Leroy, Parks staff, and the Park Board took a unique citizen based and home grown approach to a Master Planning process that resulting in a 68% citizen approved $64.3 million dollar Park Bond in the fall of 2014. The improvements are well underway at this point and are to be completed by the end of 2019.