Ensuring Youth Programs Meet Washington's New Quality Standards Track: Professional Development
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 | 3:00 to 4:15pm
Speaker: Jody Rosentswieg, Consultant, School's Out Washington
Session Description:
National research has confirmed that high quality programs positively impact social, emotional and academic outcomes for youth. Conversely, low quality programs have no impact. Youth program providers this is your opportunity to learn about research-based practices that you can implement in your programs – it’s easier than you think! You’ll learn about program assessment tools, strategies for accessing professional development resources and you’ll take home a copy of Washington Quality Standards for Afterschool and Youth Development Programs. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to grow and strengthen your youth programs!
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will learn about current research on quality practice and youth program outcomes.
- Participants will understand what is included in the Washington Quality Standards for afterschool and youth development programs.
- Participants will identify three ways they can implement the quality standards in their own programs.