Creating Inclusive Communities through Sports Track: Recreation Programming
Thursday, May 5, 2016 | 1:15 to 2:30pm
Speakers: Morgan Larch, Area Development Director, Special Olympics Washington Heather Reddington, Recreation Specialist, Metro Parks Tacoma
Session Description:
Recreation service providers are continuously looking for ways to provide services and programs to people with intellectual disabilities. And yet, creating and sustaining programs for people with disabilities can be very challenging without the proper knowledge and tools. The good news is, Special Olympics Washington has already developed some of these programs for you! The speakers will talk about Special Olympics partnership opportunities and how easily sports programs can be incorporated into your current recreation line-up. Even better, you'll take away a resource packet of sports programs available to your agency and strategies to get these programs started in your community!
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will learn and understand the benefits of integrated/inclusive sports in parks and recreation.
- Participants will learn how to incorporate inclusive sports programs and health initiatives into their programming line-up.
- Participants will learn how sport programs can be modified to accommodate people of all abilities.