Parks: Managing the Interface Between Private and Public Land

Wednesday, January 24 | 1:30 - 2:45p.m.

Session Description:
A big challenge that municipal park agencies face with limited resources is managing the boundary where public and private land meet. This interface often produces conflicts with adjacent property owners regarding liability trees, fencing, encroachments and illegal activity such as unauthorized tree cutting and dumping of waste on public land. This section will cover all the varying levels of property boundary conflicts experienced by staff from the City of Bellevue Parks & Community Services Department and will discuss best management practices and policies that have been developed for managing and resolving these situations.

Need for Session: 
This is an issue that every municipality has to deal with. With development happening more and more there will be cities and counties dealing with more new neighbors all the time. Providing insight from a group that has many years of experience with these issues could greatly help employees new to these issues.

Chad Charbonneau, City of Bellevue