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RCO Application Extention

A Message from Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)

Dear Recreation, Conservation, and Salmon Recovery Partners:

First and foremost, we hope you and your family and friends are safe and doing well in these uncertain times.  At RCO, staff made the transition to working from home and are fully operational and ready to continue our role as an exemplary partner, helping to recover salmon and protect habitats and develop special places to play. 

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Summary of “CARES” (Coronavirus Aid Relief & Economic Security) Act

Summary of “CARES” (Coronavirus Aid Relief & Economic Security) Act

Learn more about the following:

  • Relief to Citizens – Direct Income Assistance Payments

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Stay at Home Order: What You Need to Know

Stay at Home Order: What You Need to Know

  • No more public gatherings – things like basketball games, gatherings on the beach, even weddings, funerals. Emphasized minimizing social and physical interactions.
  • If going outside, it should be for “essential activities” like the grocery store, doctor’s office.  Clarified that you can still do a walk, ride your bike, garden at home, etc. – things that are essential for your own health.
  • Orders all non-essential businesses to close.  Businesses that will remain open have to fulfill “essential” function that is modeled after federal guidelines. Emergency services; health care; child care; critical manufacturing; grocery stores; food and agriculture; critical local governments; courts; news media.  Even those businesses remaining open must practice and implement social distancing rules.
Learn More About Essential Businesses
  • Restaurants can still do takeout as long as practice social distancing.
  • Urges people to comply voluntarily – but also stressed will be enforceable by law.
  • This is our best tool to hit back at the coronavirus and this ensures we can hit it hard.
  • Noted current data of more than 2,000 people have contracted coronavirus and over 100 have died.
  • Indicated this brings more family hardships and economic hardships – his office is continuing to search for ways to further mitigate the economic harm.
  • Emphasized we WILL get through this – there will be weddings, factories will fire back up, people will be able to celebrate the end of this at a favorite hangout.
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WRPA 2020 Conference: COVID-19 Updates & Resources

COVID-19 Updates & Resources

Last Updated March 16, 2020

We have received some inquiries from conference registrants and sponsors/exhibitors about how our plans are evolving in light of the emerging public health concerns posed by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  WRPA is closely monitoring updates from the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the situation in communities where cases of the virus have been confirmed. 

We are currently in the process of planning for a future date, however, nothing has yet been confirmed. At this time, our cancellation policy still stands (April 1, 2020, minus a $20 fee). WRPA will not be issuing refunds until a new date is set. For our vendor-partners, in particular, cancellations will be assessed on a case by case basis. We request all current attendees, speakers, and partners to stay tuned for additional communication before making the decision to cancel. Thank you for your support during this time.

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Our Local Parks Funding Options Bill - DISAPPOINTING NEWS

An Update From WRPA's Lobbyist: Doug Levy

I wish I wasn’t writing this e-mail, but I need to.  Barring some unforeseen circumstances, our WRPA priority local parks funding options bill (ES HB 2625), which was tantalizingly close to passage this Session, is not going to make it up for a Floor vote by the Friday COB deadline.  The bill is in the Rules Committee – and were it to get to the Floor, the votes are there to pass it.  But we are doubtful it will get there.

What I can tell you is that we worked very hard to get this bill out of the Senate Ways & Means Committee last Friday, and had “pulls” lined up for the Senate Rules Committee both Wednesday and today to get 2625 to the Floor Calendar.  We also had strong support from the Senate Floor Leader (Sen. Liias) who spoke to the bill in the Ways & Means Caucus – and had support in that Caucus discussion from Sens. Keiser and Conway.

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Funding Options in Parks Forum

Washington Park & Recreation Leaders Collaborate


In advance of the 2020 Legislative day in Olympia, WA WRPA and NW Playground hosted its first Funding Options in Parks Forum at the DoubleTree Hotel. This well- attended, half-day event included presentations with the intent on having a conversation regarding funding options for park districts, cities, and counties and sharing with one another the various types of funding each agency is currently utilizing.

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